Portfolio Site
Projects | | Links: Github | This Site

Documenenting my experiences, skills, and projects.
I had to dive into the HTML signficantly more than I expected to get things how I wanted them. I had to add a project section to the resume as that is where I think I shine.
I had to tweak the resume icons HTML to include other social media sites like dockerhub and wandb.
Google Analytics
The jekyll framework I chose had built in support for Google Analytics. So I created an account and wired that up. I am sorry for tracking you with it, but my curiosity led me to do so.
The default resume page did not include a projects section when it is supported by the resume schema used. My projects are a strong point for me (I hope they are at least). So I added one. It took a bit to figure out the HTML and the yaml config files, but it wasn’t too bad.